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  • Qother Please let us know the optimized browser and operating system environment.
    • A

      TEXTOM is optimized for the latest version of Google Chrome browser and a resolution of 1280*1024 or higher.

      Additionally, please note that it is not optimized for use in the iOS environment, and you may encounter difficulties in data collection and analysis. Therefore, we recommend using TEXTOM preferably on an OS environment.

  • Qother Is it possible to collect and analyze data on mobile devices?
    • A

      Yes, it is possible.

      However, please note that the mobile version is not optimized, so you may experience limited functionality.

      Therefore, we recommend using the service via PC whenever possible.

  • Qother I would like to inquire about how to use UCINET.
    • A

      UCINET is not our program, but one of the applications available with TEXTOM. Therefore, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide assistance regarding UCINET usage or troubleshooting.

      Please refer to the UCINET manual posted in the Q&A section or check the following blog contents for assistance.

      1) https://sites.google.com/site/ucinetsoftware/home?authuser=0

      2) https://blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=textom&logNo=221053277817&categoryNo=38&parentCategoryNo=&from=thumbnailList

  • Qother Are there any video lectures available?
    • A

      First, we recommend checking our in-house user manual for TEXTOM. If you wish to delve into a more detailed curriculum, we suggest enrolling in online courses available on various education platforms.

      - Online Course Platform 'Inflearn'


  • Qother I would like to apply for the Big Data Academy hosted by TEXTOM.
    • A

      The Big Data Academy hosted by TEXTOM is held once a year in the second half of the year in South Korea.

      Please check the website for updates on the Academy schedule, and make sure to apply during the application period.